Lima Dosen Muda IPB University Bantu Konsepkan Pariwisata di Pulau Belitung
Lima dosen dari Departemen Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA), IPB University paparkan keanekaragaman hayati yang berpotensi di bidang pariwisata di Pulau Belitung dalam Workshop dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Pengelolaan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan di Pulau Belitung, Juli lalu. Mereka adalah Hirmas Fuady Putra, Kanthi Arum Widayati, Puji Rianti, Mafrikhul Muttaqin dan Jepri Agung Priyanto.
Introducing Biopori, Citizens of Babakan Kembar, Situ Gunung Ready to Dig Some Holes
Located at Babakan Kembar, several lecturers and students from bachelor, master, and doctoral degree in the Department of Biology met with residents for biopori socialization (03/07). Biopori is a cylindrical infiltration hole that is made vertically into the soil aimed at overcoming puddles by increasing the water absorption capacity in the soil. This IPB University innovation was introduced as a part of community service in the Field Study activities (2-4 July). This activity was led by Dr.Dra. Nisa Rachmania M.Si, a microbiologist, who also lectured some material on biological fertilizers.
Department of Biology IPB, Inaugurates 2 Field Research Stations in Belitung
In collaboration between the Department of Biology, Monitoring Center Sustainable Tourism Observatory (MCSTO) IPB, and Belitong Geopark, 2 field research stations have been officially inaugurated by Head of Department of Biology, Dr. Ir. Miftahudin.
Students from 6 Countries Learn Biodiversity through the Summer Course Bio-Geo of Belitong Geopark
Department of Biology in collaboration with MCSTO IPB, Belitong Geopark, Belitung Regency Government, and Nottingham University, has successfully held Summer Course on October 24-28, 2019. This activity is routinely held by the Department of Biology annually.
SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungpandan and MA Muhammadiyah Gantung, Belitung, exploring Biodiversity
Department of biology has implemented a community services program held on Wednesday, October 23, 2019, in SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungpandan, Belitung. This event was hosted by Hirmas Fuady Putra, M.Si (Division of Ecology and Plant Resources), who is an alumnus of that school.
Exploring Situ Gunung, Department of Biology is Ready to Update Biodiversity Data and Its Potency
“If I can detail observe some color that appeared in a plant, I can also observe our bright future in detail”, a male student said as a joke to a female student when he observed the color gradation on a plant leaves.
Meanwhile, some students explored Situ Gunung lake by swimming in to find its animal diversity. Other students, take a soil sample from the side of the lake to analyze its indigenous microorganisms communities.
Managing Belitung's Tourism
Hirmas Fuady Putra S.Si., M.Si., a member of Plant Resources and Ecology Division, Department of Biology was invited as a speaker in the Technical Guidance for Sustainable Tourism Management in the Geopark Belitong held by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism (15/05). This activity is part of the visit preparation of the Geopark Belitung by UNESCO in 2019.
On this occasion, Hirmas delivered a talk on Sustainable Tourism Management based on the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) criteria. The man who is also the Chair of the Monitoring Center of Tanjung Kelayang's Sustainable Tourism Observatory said that Belitong Geopark is a real manifestation of Sustainable Tourism because it has the potential to meet 41 criteria and 105 GSTC indicators.
Belitung Regent Has Officially Opened the MCSTO IPB-ForMIND International Conference 2019
Belitung Regent, H. Sahani Saleh, S. Sos officially opened the MCSTO IPB ForMIND 2019 international meeting (Monday, 28 October 2019) at the Grand Hatika Hotel, Belitung. "Belitung Regency is a potential area with high biodiversity of flora and fauna, as well as a unique geological character, which has the potential as a tourist attraction. Through collaboration with severals government institutions including the Ministry of Tourism, and IPB University, it can be a strategic step to explore and manage natural resources towards sustainable tourism, "said the Regent of Belitung, in his speech.
Kegiatan Meeting Formind Internasional Conference 2019 Resmi di Buka Bupati Belitung
Belitung, – Bupati Belitung H. Sahani Saleh,S.Sos membuka secara resmi acara Meeting Formind Internasional Conference Tahun 2019 bertempat diruang pertemuan Bantan Grand Hatika Hotel (28/10/2019) Senin sore.
Dalam sambutannya Bupati mengatakan bahwa Kabupaten Belitung merupakan daerah potensial untuk pengembangan wisata, karena memiliki potensi wisata yang beragam, terutama yang berbasis pada obyek dan atraksi, maka dengan sumber daya dan modal tersebut untuk dimanfaatkan oleh Pemerintah Daerah secara optimal.
Empowerment of the forest honey bee farmers
Typical behavior of Apis dorsata, the giant honey bees, migrates annually to a blooming area, particularly forest all over Asia. Generally, the bees nesting at tall trees 20-30 meters above the ground.
The forest bee farmers have long practiced an interesting ethnobiology so-called "sunggau" or in English known as "rafter, for bee nesting in several regions in Indonesia, including Belitung island. People made "sunggau" by placed 2 meters of wood in a specific tree trunk or branched at just 2-6 meters above the ground. Based on their experiences, the bee farmers able to predict the favorable nesting sites of the bees. By taking care of the forest for sunggau, these traditional practices have a valuable impact on maintaining the forest from deforestation and or transformation habitat for monoculture plantations.